Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Equality, Diversity and Stereotyping - Careers Education and CDI Framework. 1-2 hour Lesson. Editable 25 slide PowerPoint Lesson, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services.
Learning Objectives
To understand the meaning of the terms equality, diversity and stereotyping
To be aware of my attitudes and how they impact on others
To explore the inequalities that exist that impact the workplace
Some Key Terms Covered
Equality, Inequality, Discrimination, Social development, immobility, unconscious bias
Careers (Assessment) Objectives
I can define stereotyping and equality
I can evaluate how unconscious bias can impact our choices and the workplace
I understand the diverse and complex nature of British identity
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ PSHE Masculinity + Men (Ks5)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
⇨ KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Unit
⇨ Y11 Staying Safe (Parties, Online and Drugs) Unit Bundle
⇨ KS4 Drugs Education Unit Bundle
⇨ Women’s Health Unit Unit Bundle
⇨ Contraception and STI Unit Y9’s Bundle
⇨ Law Crime and Society Unit Bundle
⇨ Extremism + Radicalisation + Terrorism Unit Bundle
⇨ An introduction to Politics for KS3 Students
My Skills and Careers Booklet contains 20 pages and has been updated for the 2024 academic years. This Careers booklet is packed full of varied activities, worksheets, tasks for students to undertake with regards to exploring their own skills and qualities in line with thinking about their future career opportunities. The booklet also has activities related to Labour MArket Information and exploring employment sectors whilst also considering thing like how Brexit may impact Labour trends.
This Careers Booklet also comes with some of our most popular careers resources. I will detail a list below
Contents included
1 x 20 Page A4 Careers Booklet of activities
1 x Student Workbooklet in PDF format
1 x Set of Careers Domino Templates
1 x Student Blank Poster Template
1 x Skills and Qualities Card Sort activity with Worksheet
Have a look at some of our highly popular specialist careers units:
☞ Year 7 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 8 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 9 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 10 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Secondary Finance and Careers Unit
☞ Year 13 Secondary Finance and Careers Unit
Post 16 Options and planning for the future . Gatsby Benchmark in Careers and PSHE . Editable PowerPoint, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To be aware of a range of options available after Year 11
To be able to explore and know where to research the best progression pathway
To start to decide what post 16 route you might like to take
Some Key Terms Covered
Vocational Qualifications, Apprenticeships, Traineeships, City & Guilds
Careers Confidence (Assessment) Objectives
I am aware of the range of options open to me after Y11
I Know where to go for further advice on careers and progression pathways
I understand the hierarchy of different qualifications
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Mindfulness Extension Activities
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, Gatsby Benchmarks in Careers Education, Character Education Guidance from DfE.
We sell Complete Careers and Gatsby Careers Benchmark Units - Take a look at some of them here:
⇨ Careers, Employability Skills + Enterprise Unit
⇨ Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Quizzes
⇨ Careers - Writing a Personal Statement
⇨ Careers - Student Workbook
⇨ Careers - Interview Preparation Lesson
The Big Skills and Qualities Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on the topic of Careers suitable for KS3 or KS4 Students
Contents of Quiz
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
We sell Complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS4 Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Unit
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
PSHE Curriculum Overview tool
Secondary PSHE Audit tool for Schools
Primary PSHE Audit tool for Schools
International World Issues Unit
All resources designed by a specialist Team of practicing PSHE and Citizenship teachers and HOD’s.
Careers using Languages . A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session on the importance of this topic.
Learning Outcomes:
I can identify different job prospects associated with studying languages
I understand the skills I can develop by studying languages
I understand where languages can take someone in the future
Key terms
Bilingual, Culture, Multilingual, Trade Manager
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young Adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
If you need any support with this lesson or would like to find out more about what Cre8tive Resources can offer your school please email:
If you leave a nice review please email and we will send you a free lesson as a thank you.
National Careers Week Lesson explored . A fully-resourced editable Careers PowerPoint lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session on this topic.
Learning Outcomes:
Know what NCW is, Know ways to find suitable opportunities, Understand why it is important for my future options
Key terms
Career Management, Research, Ownership, Employability, Accountability, Empowerment
**Homework Extension Suggestion **
Practice your speech and get feedback on it. How can you improve? Is your message clear? If you are feeling confident, ask a Year 7 tutor if you can deliver it to their group in registration.
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young Adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Interview Preparation. Careers and PSHE (Life Skills & Wellbeing) Lesson Pack.
Learning Outcomes:
To understand how to prepare for an interview
To understand the do’s and don’ts during an interview
To practice a mock interview
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s)
Mindfulness Extension Activities
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Mapped against Gatsby Benchmark in Careers standards
We sell Complete Careers and Gatsby Careers Benchmark Units - Take a look at some of them here:
⇨ Careers, Employability Skills + Enterprise Unit
⇨ Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Quizzes
⇨ Post 16 Options and Careers Lesson
⇨ Careers and Employment Activities and Cardsorts
⇨ Skills and Qualities Careers Quiz
⇨ Careers - Writing a Personal Statement
⇨ Careers - Student Workbook
⇨ Careers - Interview Preparation Lesson
Careers in STEM. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on Careers in STEM
Learning Outcomes:
To know what STEM is
To be able to list 5 STEM careers
To consider what STEM careers you’re interested in
Key terms
Constructive feedback, STEM, STEAM, office, laboratory, research facility
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Why pick GCSE Business Studies - Careers Options Lesson . A fully-resourced editable Careers PowerPoint lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session on this topic.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand main content of GCSE Business Studies, Know key skills I will develop, Know which roles this subject is helpful for
Key terms
"Business Acumen, Associate, Analyst, Audit "
Homework Extension Suggestion
Choose a company you buy products or services from and find their website. Have a look at their careers page and see which benefits they offer their staff. Which 2 appeal to you most? Why?
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young Adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Exploring different jobs and career opportunities - Class Domino Lesson**. Editable 16 slide PowerPoint Lesson, Set of 13 Class Dominos Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To identify the 10 main UK Job sectors
To explore a wide variety of jobs
To evaluate the different qualifications, starting salaries and duties of a wide range of jobs
Some Key Terms Covered
Job description, salary, duties, progression, qualifications, GCSE, A levels, University, Skills
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ 1 x Set of Class Dominos for the entire Alphabet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Team project Handouts
☞ Team roles
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Health & Wellbeing H2
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/174
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Planning for the Future Beyond Year 11 - Careers
Learning Outcomes:
To define my own skills, qualities an interests
To be able to make plans and decisions about post 16 education
To evaluate what support I need and be able to set Targets and goals to achieve
Key terms
A levels, PHD, foundation, Degree, PGCE, Vocational Qualifications, Traineeships, Apprenticeships
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s)
Mindfulness Extension Activities
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes
We sell Complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Y11 Careers Unit CV’s Personal Statements etc
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS3 18 PSHE Quizzes
STI and Contraception Unit
Sex, the law and Consent Unit
Relationships & Sex Education Unit
Puberty and Body Development Unit
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
KS3 18 PSHE Projects bundle
Series of ten Year 11 Secondary Powerpoint class Form Tutor Assembly lessons on the topic of Y11 Exam Stress and Revision - Survival Kit - Secondary students.
**Year 11 Survival Kit **
These bespoke sessions form part of a 10 piece survival kit of sessions that form tutors or heads of year can deliver to their GCSE Students as a way to improve aspirations, revision focus and ambition with a hope of improved exam results at the end of the year.
If you would like to know more sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of the page here HERE
Contents of the Y11 Survival Kit Class assembly Tutor Sessions here:
⇨ Retrieval Practice - Y11 Survival
⇨ Growth Mindset - Y11 Survival
⇨ Revision and Stress - Y11 Survival
⇨ Ambition and Aspiration- Y11 Survival
⇨ Revision Cards - Y11 Survival
⇨ Study Sanctuary - Y11 Survival
⇨ Wellbeing and Sleep - Y11 Survival
⇨ Still time to revise - Y11 Survival
⇨ Mental Health & Wellbeing - Y11 Survival
⇨ Go for a walk- Y11 Survival
Bonus Resources for Mental Health and. Wellbeing Included
-Dealing With Exam Stress 2 Hour Session
-Mindfulness Bundle of Resources
-Set of editable loyalty Reward Cards
Form Failure to Success Session (Brilliant!)
Each Session Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/APT/100
Why not check out some of our latest Careers super bundles below:
Employability Skills + Enterprise
Careers + Employment Sectors
Careers Across the Curriculum
Careers Aspirations + Employment
Careers + Personal Development
Revision, Exams + Preparation for the Workforce
Careers, Employment + Life Goals
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
What is an Apprenticeship?. Careers and Financial education Lesson designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader. Editable 14+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Careers Learning Outcomes:
To understand what apprenticeships are, the benefits of doing an apprenticeship and the potential impact on career progression
Some Careers and finance linked Key Terms Covered
Apprenticeship, Hourly Wage, Off the Job Training
Careers and Finance Assessment Objectives
I can define what an apprenticeship is.
I understand the benefits of an apprenticeship.
I can explain the pros and cons of an apprenticeship with examples.
Skills Builder Framework
Aiming High
CDI Framework
Explore Possibilities
Be Ofsted and DfE compliant with our resources!
Product Code: 1727708996
Each Careers Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Careers in Maths . A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on Careers in Maths
Learning Outcomes:
To understand the skills Maths provides.
To understand the different career routes linked to Maths.
To explore a wide variety of jobs closely associated with skills that Maths helps to develop.
Key terms
STEM, Compulsory, Stockbroker, Mathematics, Every Day, Finance
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Post 16 Options Careers Lesson. Careers and Financial education Lesson designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader. Editable 16+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Careers Learning Outcomes:
To understand the options available to me at the end of Year 11.
To consider how I can make the best choice for me.
To understand the application process for post 16 options.
Some Careers and finance linked Key Terms Covered
A Level, T Level, Btec, Apprenticeship
Careers and Finance Assessment Objectives
I understand my options for the end of Year 11.
I know what to consider to make the best choice for me.
I understand the application process for post 16 options.
Skills Builder Framework
Aiming High
CDI Framework
Explore Possibilities
Be Ofsted and DfE compliant with our resources!
Product Code: 1727697618
Each Careers Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can serve nicely as a lesson exploring professional conduct in the work place - Careers. What is professional conduct in the work place? Can you give examples of positive and negative behaviours in the work place? What is gross misconduct and can you give examples?
How does professional conduct work both ways for both employers and employees?
Key terms
Professional Conduct,
Gross Misconduct,
Employer, Employee
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks with questions and answers. These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Reflecting on Work Experience. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on Reflecting on Work Experience
Learning Outcomes:
I understand how I can make the most of my work experience
I can effectively evaluate my work experience role
I can effectively evaluate myself as an employee
Key terms
Evaluation, Reflection, Reference, Initiative, Resilience
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Balancing Work and Life Lesson. Designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader. Editable 21+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To reflect on the different ways in which people balance their work and life
To recognise the role that you play in your family and community and consider how this might shape your career
To consider how you want to move through different life stages and manage different life roles
Some Key Terms Covered
Work life balance, community, Adolescence
Each Careers Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Developing A Positive Work Ethic . A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed Careers / Personal Development lesson
Learning objectives
To understand what a positive work ethic is.
To consider how we build our work ethic.
To be able to explain the benefits of having a positive work ethic.
Some Key Terms Covered
Integrity, Productivity, Reliability, Dependability, Autonomy
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning) Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
Careers mini tutor time session looking at the topic “Work Life Balance”. This resource is suitable for secondary school students and contains interactive elements to keep your students engaged! Files are editable.
Learning Objectives:
To explore the importance of Work Life Balance
Work-Life Balance, Leisure, Healthy Work Environment, Mental health
Elements for the session
2-3 Minute Video bespoke Careers video created and hosted by Cre8tive resources
PowerPoint Slides
Reflection Questions
Class Word Find Activity
Homework Suggestion
Review Activity
The mini tutor time session designed to last around 20 Minutes only. This in one session from our importance of… Series . There are 16 different sessions in total you can purchase. The session could be adapted to last anywhere from 5 to 20+ minutes.
Why not try out some of our other highly rated Secondary Careers Units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit